Friday, November 9, 2018

Conscious Summary "Exhaustions"

Los Angeles based Atmospheric act Concious Summary has dropped a mind altering drug of an album called "Exhaustions". Unlike the title the music will not leave you bored and tired. It's actually gripping and very fresh. I almost like I was traveling throw a wormhole in space and then crash landed in a new world only to look at my reflection and realize I was moving at double the speed of time and space and could my future actions and choices before i made them. If you think string theory is cool you'll definitely love this album. Having only 3 tracks but clocking in at over 30 minutes this album is a beast. Strap in and get ready, light one if you got it because we're gonna get WEIRD. "Exhaustions" is out today (11/9/2018) on Skintrade Recordings.

Conscious Summary - "Commitment to Extinction"
 Concious Summary - "It Turns to a Shade of Olive"

Pick up "Exhaustions" through the band here:


Pick up "Exhaustions" through Skintrade Recordings here:

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