Really people???
DC Vertigo
"Second Coming"
Mark Russell
Richard Pace
Well, if you haven't herd yet. Mark Russell from DC Vertigo is in the works on making a new comic book series. And guess who the main superhero is going to be. YES!!! None other then Jesus Christ. But, wait a minute. He has a side kick named "Sun-Man" fighting along side with our Messiah and Savior.
Now, Mark and his team haven't really released that much information on the story. So...I'm going to have to take a wild guess on this one. Let me think... Hmmmmm…I got it!!!!
The timeline would of course probably take place in our modern day era. The seals have been opened. The rapture has happened. Demons and devils are effecting the people all over the world. Shit goes down as it is written in the Scriptures of the Bible. And "Sun-Man" can't handle it all. He needs another superhero to fight against the forces of evil. Wait a minute!!! There is a bright light piercing through the clouds. There's an object coming straight down at high fast speed. You can hear the crack of the sonic boom in the air. Is that a bird, is it a plane. No! it's "Jesus Christ" Ok. I am going to stop my self here. Now, to come to think of it. This comic book would be based on "Revelation". I can see them truly making a big o fiasco on the Apocalypse.
I can already see the mess that lies ahead for this comic book. Everyone is a critic. And for sure those who are hard core believers in Christ. They are automatically going to call this a "Blasphemy". Given that there shall be no idols to worship but our Sovereign God. CONTROVERSY!!!! For me I believe in my savior Yeshua hamashiach (Jesus Christ). But, honestly you won't see me starting an up roar with this. I think it's funny. More than anything. I see it as a positive effect. Yeah there probably going to mess it up really bad or maybe not. Mark's team might stay close to the scriptures. We're just going to have to wait for its release in March 2019.
Let me know what you think about Jesus Christ hitting the DC world? As well as what would be the purpose of this mysterious "Sun-Man"? What kind of powers would Jesus have? Do they have vehicles or angels fighting with them? Would they make a future DC movie out of this comic book series???
Go ahead and share you thoughts. What do you have in mind in all of this???
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