Sunday, March 27, 2016

Batman V Superman review

Hey guys. Joe here and i just seen Batman v Superman:dawn of justice. Gonna be honest here. I didnt love it. But i didnt hate it. I go back and forth between giving it a 7 and a 8. So will meet in the middle and call it a 7.5. Im gonna break down what i like and what i dont without giving spoilers. Lets start with the cast. Im a believer in Batfleck. I feel he did a great job portraying batman. His Bruce Wayne however i will hold judgement on. The little we see him trying to portray the billionare playboy was very limited and i felt like it was lacking. Which is the opposite of how i felt about Christian Bales batman. Gal Gadot did a decent job but i found her character lacking overall. Not fully sold on her just yet. Will see how she does with the solo movie. Lex Luthor however was a complete fail. Could not stand it. Im not hoping for a recast or anything. But i want them to make change in how Jessie Eisenberg portrays him and speaks. His character should not be the comic relief. The story is long and at time i find certain scenes needing to be cut out. A couple of them are the nightmare dream sequences. My other big issue is the amount of gun usage batman does. (Not the one you see in the trailer. That actually makes sense and im goid on that) and lastly i was let down on the batman superman fight. Feel it could of been better. All in all i liked the movie. Am looking forward to see how they co timue the franchise. Preferably without zack snyder.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

10 Cloverfield lane

Hey guys. Joe here. Just seen 10 cloverfield lane and oh my god. I dont want to give to much away but from what i can tell you is that john goodman and 2 others are trapped in a bomb shelter. And the female character tries to escape. The story keeps you guessing as to what happened and if it really happened. Based on what i seen i dont think it is a sequel or prequel or spin off of the original cloverfield movie. I think its more likely the production studio used the name to throw people off. But this movie was amazing. Acting was perfection. John goodman gives one of my favorite performances of his in this one. The story was perfectly told and spaced out. Everyone needs to check it out.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Watching a classic

Rewatching one of my favorite movies from back in the day. Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. This movie is a true work of art and could never be done again in this day and age. The character licenses in themselves would be the first of many hurdles to cross if they ever wanted to do a sequel or remake. Not to mention all the drinking done and character designs and the story in itself. This movie is a once in a lifetime thing. Not to mention ground breaking in its time with the mixture and interaction with the live action human characters have with the animated cartoons. They did versions of it in marry poppins and puff the magic dragon but never to this extent i find it baffling that this movie is a Disney movie.
